Saturday, February 21, 2009

Belinda the Butterfly

I'm taking a technology class right now at school. We just finished making a digital story for one of our group assignments. It was a big project that took a ton of time. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I learned how to use this program so that I can make movies in the future. The story that my group made was Belinda the Butterfly. The purpose is to help teach Kindergarteners about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We've posted it on YouTube and I've linked it to this blog if you want to watch it. Be warned that this was made for children so it may not be your cup of tea, but it is quite entertaining and my nephew Jacob just loves it. He keeps saying "more please" as soon as it's over. If he gets his way, Kristen will get very sick of hearing my voice.

Kristen mentioned that I'm going to post pictures from Bald Eagle Day in her blog. I'm getting to this assignment from her - but it has to wait till my school assignments are a little more under control and I need to get the camera back from Nathan who is out of town. Look for those coming in a few more days.

I also had to make a class website for one of my assignments in my technology class. The whole time I was doing this assignment, all I could think about is how excellent it would be to have a camp website. It took all my will power to finish my school assignment before working on my camp website. I have been working frantically to get my camp website going before my first camp meeting that took place this week. I found a church building in my stake where I could connect to a neighbors internet (with permission) and moved our meeting to that building so that I could introduce my website to all the ward camp leaders.

It was so nice to have this website because I did't have to print any forms for the leaders. I just linked all my documents to the website and gave all the information to the leaders so that they could print their own forms. I'm hoping that with this website I'll have less questions and more organized camp directors. They were all excited about it and so am I.

My camp website is stake specific but has some fun camp ideas on it if you are interested in looking at it.

So that's what's been going on in my life: school, school, more school and ton's of camp. Not much time for anything else. It's been good though and I'm enjoying life.

Have a great day!

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